Paperback and Ebook and Audiobook ....

With Blind flying 2014 I enjoyed as a songwriter for the first time the freedoms of a book author.
So far, among other things, I have had to make sure that no syllable stumbles the beat and that the story is neatly told after three to five minutes.
These guidelines make it difficult to embed the text idea in the composition without any loss of meaning.
Although the narrative of my adventure novel is spared by these guidelines, the liberties of a book author mentioned at the beginning should probably be dosed.
The danger of confusion lurks before any new paragraph.
As different as they are: I like both disciplines and both taste more, especially as Manes Meckenstock brings the musicless narration into sound and fun.

With entertaining regards - Jürgen Borrmann

audition ....
Blind flying 2014

Available in many online stores / bookstores.........


© JB

Experience novel, wit, humor, true story

How much overcoming costs early to leave an intact aircraft?
Is a parachute jump for the blind like a fall into nothingness?
How does it feel to crash in free fall unchecked?
A tandem parachute jump requires blind trust.
Why does that apply to Jürgen Borrmann twice, he describes in Blind flying 2014.
I am now as delusional as a tuna in the can because of a degenerative retinal disease.
With the impressions of his remaining senses, he has the readers with wit and humor to the events that occur before and on the jump day, part.

However, not everything went smoothly, not even between heaven and earth.

It reads Manes Meckenstock

The excerpt and audition is not translated


Published  April 2018


ISBN: 978-3-7469-3296-5

Available in the bookhandl
Published  Februar 2018


ISBN-13: 978-3-96361-478-1

Available in the Online-Shops
Published  Februar 2018


ISBN-13: 4251177571084

Available in the  Online-Shops